Depositi tardowürmiani nell’alto bacino dell’Esino (Appennino marchigiano) – Datazione con il C-14
14C dating of late-Würm deposits in the high basin of the Esino River (Marche Apennine)
This paper reports attribution of a marsh episode included in the terraced deposits of the high basin of the Esino River to the late-Würm. From two datings made by 14C method on wooden remnants comprised in a peaty level, have resulted the following ages: 15250± 160 B.P. (δ 13C ‰ = -27,9); 14700 ± 150 B.P. (δ 13C ‰ = -28,0). On the basis of the datings and of the observations made, it is possible to attribute the third order terraced fluvial deposits of the high basin of the Esino River to the Wurmian period. Such chronological attribution can probably extend to the terraced deposits of the same order in the rest of the basin and in the neighbouring basins of the Marche region.
Copyright (c) 2024 Marisa Alessio, Lucia Allegri, Mauro Coltorti, Cesarina Cortesi, Giovanni Deiana, Francesco Dramis, Salvatore Improta, Vincenzo Petrone (Author)

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