Una datazione di depositi interstadiali würmiani presso Bressanone (Alto Adige)
A C-14 age determination in interstadial Würm deposits near Bressanone (Alto Adige)
Knowledge is given of a new C-14 determination due to the cooperation of prof. F. FLIRI, Innsbruck, and of dr. W. G. MOOK, Groningen. It refers to a Juniperus branch found in lacustrine beds near Sciaves (Schabs, South Tyrol) at 800 m a.s.l., dated 64 400 ± 1000 years BP (GrN-7754 Schabs 3) after enrichment. The author's old field observations and the prof. FLIRI'S new researches are briefly discussed. The remarkable thickness of the old Würm or possibly pre-Würm deposits in this area and the internal position of the site with respect to the Alpine chain are emphasized.
Copyright (c) 2024 Giovanni Battista Castiglioni (Author)

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