Morfogenesi e pedogenesi tardoterziaria e pleistocenica antica nella Nurra occidentale (Sardegna). Nota preliminare

Late Tertiary and early Pleistocene morpho-pedological evolution of the western Nurra (northern Sardinia, Italy). Preliminary note


  • Mauro Cremaschi Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Milano, Milano, Italy Author
  • Sergio Ginesu Istituto di Scienze Geologico Mineralogiche, Università di Sassari, Sassari (Italia) Author


Morphogenesis, Pedogenesis, Tertiary, Pleistocene, Nurra (Sardinia)


The section for Geopedology of the «Physical Geography and Geomorphology» National Group has carried out a survey along the northwestern sector of the Nurra. The first observations have allowed a preliminary identification of a late tertiary paleosurface covered by Pleistocene recent and eolian layers and glacis weathered by ferralitic paleosols.






Short communication

How to Cite

Cremaschi, M., & Ginesu, S. (1990). Morfogenesi e pedogenesi tardoterziaria e pleistocenica antica nella Nurra occidentale (Sardegna). Nota preliminare: Late Tertiary and early Pleistocene morpho-pedological evolution of the western Nurra (northern Sardinia, Italy). Preliminary note. Geografia Fisica E Dinamica Quaternaria, 13(1), 81-82.

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