Pedostratigrafia e morfostratigrafia nello studio delle superfici sommitali situate fra Serchio e Ombrone Pistoiese
Pedostratigraphy and morphostratigraphy in the study of the summit surfaces between Serchio and Ombrone Pistoiese rivers
Morphoneotectonics, Paleopedology, Plinthite, Erosional surfaces, Northern ApenninesAbstract
The genetic and chronologic study of the summit areas lying between the Serchio river and Pistoia was afforded from both a pedostratigraphic and morphostratigraphic standpoint. The summit areas support brown and acidic brown soils of postglacial age. The « Macigno » sandstones which make up in the whole area the bedrock of the summit areas shows, however, at several places, weathering bands with mottles due to iron oxides and hydroxides. Mottles belonging to the summit areas were found to be closely similar, at least as far as the color index is concerned to those of plinthitic soils supporting bedrock and different from those found on slope and alluvial deposits of the valleys cutting through the summit areas. Mottles found on summit areas are therefore interpreted as being relicts of a plinthitic pedogenesis. Since, on the other hand, plinthitic soils are known to develop on low relief morphologies, the summit areas mottles should antedate the uplift and erosion of the studied area. According to most recent yet provisional data on the Stratigraphy of the deposits issued from the uplifted area, an early middle Pleistocene age could be retained for the latter event.
Copyright (c) 2024 Carlo Bartolini, Donatella Bidini, Giovanni Aurindo Ferrari, Donatello Magaldi (Author)

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